Cost of omnipod without insurance

cost of omnipod without insurance

Key Takeaways:

  • The cost of Omnipod without insurance can be significant, ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 per month
  • Factors such as location, pharmacy, and supply needs influence out-of-pocket costs for Omnipod
  • Manufacturer assistance programs, patient assistance foundations, and alternative insulin delivery methods may help reduce costs
  • Advocating for insurance coverage, exploring clinical trials, and utilizing diabetes resources can also help manage Omnipod expenses
  • Understanding the full scope of diabetes care costs and planning ahead can help individuals budget for and access needed supplies

For individuals with diabetes who rely on the Omnipod insulin management system, the cost of supplies and equipment without insurance coverage can be a significant financial burden. As an innovative and user-friendly option for insulin delivery, Omnipod offers many benefits for diabetes management, but the expenses associated with the system can be substantial. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence the cost of Omnipod without insurance and discuss alternative options for managing these diabetes-related expenses.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Omnipod Without Insurance

The out-of-pocket cost of Omnipod without insurance can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

  1. Location: The cost of Omnipod supplies may differ from one region or country to another, influenced by factors such as local market conditions, supply and demand, and regulatory considerations.
  2. Pharmacy: Prices for Omnipod supplies can vary between pharmacies, even within the same geographic area. Some pharmacies may offer discounts or negotiate prices with manufacturers, while others may have higher markups.
  3. Supply needs: The amount of Omnipod supplies needed per month will impact the total cost. Factors such as the individual’s insulin dosage, frequency of pod changes, and any wasted or damaged supplies can affect the overall expense.
  4. Manufacturer pricing: Insulet Corporation, the manufacturer of Omnipod, sets the base price for its products. However, prices may fluctuate over time due to market conditions, production costs, and other factors.
  5. Availability of generic alternatives: Currently, there are no generic alternatives to Omnipod on the market. The lack of competition can contribute to higher prices for the brand-name product.

According to a report by the Health Care Cost Institute, the average cost of an Omnipod pod without insurance in the United States is approximately $30 to $50 per pod. With most users requiring 10 to 12 pods per month, the total monthly cost can range from $1,000 to $3,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above.

Understanding the Full Scope of Diabetes Care Costs

While the cost of Omnipod is a significant concern for those without insurance, it’s important to consider the full scope of expenses associated with diabetes management. In addition to insulin delivery systems like Omnipod, individuals with diabetes may also face costs related to:

According to the American Diabetes Association, the average annual cost of diabetes care in the United States is $9,601 per person. However, this figure can vary significantly based on individual circumstances, such as type and severity of diabetes, age, overall health, and insurance coverage.

For those without insurance, the cumulative costs of diabetes care can be overwhelming. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that one in four adults with diabetes in the United States experiences significant financial hardship due to healthcare costs, with those lacking insurance being particularly vulnerable.

Options for Managing the Cost of Omnipod Without Insurance

While the cost of Omnipod without insurance can be daunting, there are several options individuals can explore to manage these expenses:

  1. Manufacturer assistance programs: Insulet Corporation offers patient assistance programs, such as the Omnipod Access Program, which provides free Omnipod supplies to eligible individuals with financial need and no insurance coverage.
  2. Patient assistance foundations: Non-profit organizations, such as the Patient Advocate Foundation and the Partnership for Prescription Assistance, offer financial assistance programs for individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes.
  3. Discount programs and coupons: Some pharmacies and online retailers offer discount programs or coupons for diabetes supplies, including Omnipod. Websites like GoodRx and SingleCare aggregate available discounts and coupons, making it easier for individuals to find the best prices.
  4. Alternative insulin delivery methods: For those who cannot afford Omnipod, alternative insulin delivery methods, such as traditional insulin pumps or multiple daily injections with syringes or insulin pens, may be more cost-effective options.
  5. Clinical trials: Participating in clinical trials for diabetes management devices or treatments may provide access to innovative therapies and supplies at reduced or no cost. Websites like list ongoing trials related to diabetes and insulin pumps.
  6. Advocating for insurance coverage: While not an immediate solution, individuals can advocate for better insurance coverage of diabetes supplies and treatments by contacting their elected officials, joining advocacy organizations, and participating in lobbying efforts to improve access and affordability.
  7. Utilizing diabetes resources: Organizations like the American Diabetes Association, JDRF, and Diabetes Hands Foundation offer a wealth of resources, support, and information for individuals with diabetes, including guidance on managing costs and accessing financial assistance.

Planning Ahead for Diabetes Care Costs

For individuals with diabetes who lack insurance coverage, planning ahead for the costs of care can help mitigate financial strain and ensure access to needed supplies and treatments. Some strategies for planning ahead include:

  1. Budgeting: Incorporating the estimated costs of diabetes supplies, including Omnipod, into a monthly or annual budget can help individuals allocate funds and plan for expenses.
  2. Saving for healthcare expenses: Setting aside money in a dedicated savings account or health savings account (HSA) can help individuals build a financial buffer for diabetes care costs.
  3. Researching insurance options: While not always accessible or affordable, exploring insurance options, such as Medicaid, Medicare, or marketplace plans, can help individuals find coverage that fits their needs and budget.
  4. Negotiating prices: Some pharmacies or suppliers may be willing to negotiate prices for diabetes supplies, particularly for those paying out of pocket. It never hurts to ask about discounts or payment plans.
  5. Bulk ordering: Ordering Omnipod supplies in larger quantities, when possible, may result in lower per-unit costs and reduced shipping expenses.
  6. Staying informed: Keeping up with the latest developments in diabetes care, insurance coverage, and financial assistance programs can help individuals make informed decisions about their treatment options and costs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: Is Omnipod covered by Medicare or Medicaid?
    A: Omnipod may be covered by Medicare Part D or Medicaid, depending on the individual’s specific plan and eligibility. However, coverage and out-of-pocket costs can vary widely. It’s essential to check with the relevant insurance provider for details.
  2. Q: Can I use a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) to pay for Omnipod?
    A: Yes, Omnipod supplies are typically considered eligible expenses for FSAs and HSAs. Using these tax-advantaged accounts can help individuals save money on out-of-pocket diabetes care costs.
  3. Q: Are there any generic or lower-cost alternatives to Omnipod?
    A: Currently, there are no generic versions of Omnipod available. However, some individuals may find traditional insulin pumps or multiple daily injections with syringes or insulin pens to be more affordable alternatives, depending on their specific needs and circumstances.
  4. Q: Can I purchase Omnipod supplies from outside the United States to save money?
    A: While purchasing Omnipod supplies from international sources may seem like a cost-saving option, it is generally not recommended. Imported medical supplies may not meet the same safety and quality standards as those purchased within the United States, and there is a risk of receiving counterfeit or expired products.
  5. Q: How can I find out if I’m eligible for patient assistance programs or financial aid for Omnipod?
    A: Eligibility for patient assistance programs and financial aid varies depending on the specific program and the individual’s circumstances. Contacting the manufacturer (Insulet Corporation) directly, as well as exploring resources from non-profit organizations like the Patient Advocate Foundation and Partnership for Prescription Assistance, can help individuals determine their eligibility and navigate the application process.


The cost of Omnipod without insurance can be a significant financial burden for individuals with diabetes, with monthly expenses often exceeding $1,000 or more. However, by understanding the factors that influence these costs and exploring alternative options for managing expenses, individuals can take steps to access the diabetes supplies and care they need.

From manufacturer assistance programs and patient assistance foundations to alternative insulin delivery methods and advocacy efforts, there are numerous strategies for navigating the high costs of Omnipod and other diabetes supplies. By planning ahead, staying informed, and utilizing available resources, individuals with diabetes can work towards achieving better financial stability and access to essential care.

Ultimately, the high cost of Omnipod and other diabetes supplies highlights the need for systemic changes in healthcare access and affordability. By advocating for policies that prioritize the needs of individuals with chronic conditions like diabetes, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to the care and supplies they need to manage their health and well-being.


Omnipod Insulin Management System Health Care Cost Institute – Price of Insulin GoodRx – How Much Does Insulin Cost? Consumer Reports – How Much Does a Glucose Meter Cost? diaTribe – Cost of Diabetes Supplies American Diabetes Association – Managing Costs Kaiser Family Foundation – Cost Sharing for People with Diabetes American Diabetes Association – Cost of Diabetes Journal of the American Medical Association – Financial Hardship from Healthcare Costs in Diabetes Omnipod Access Program Patient Advocate Foundation – Co-Pay Relief Partnership for Prescription Assistance GoodRx – Omnipod Prices and Coupons SingleCare – Omnipod Prices and Coupons – Diabetes and Insulin Pump Trials American Diabetes Association – Resources JDRF – T1D Resources Diabetes Hands Foundation – Living with Diabetes Resources – Health Savings Account (HSA) Medicaid – Eligibility Medicare – Get Started with Medicare – See Plans Medicare – Insulin Coverage Medicaid – Prescription Drugs – Flexible Spending Accounts IRS – Publication 969 (Health Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans)